Minuteman Press Franchise in Fayetteville, Georgia Moves to New Location to Accommodate Business Expansion and Growth

Minuteman Press in Fayetteville, GA celebrated their move with a grand re-opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony.

(VeteransFranchise.com) - By Jane. Updated Feb 5, 2019

Minuteman Press Franchise in Fayetteville, Georgia Moves to New Location to Accommodate Business Expansion and Growth

Minuteman Press in Fayetteville, GA celebrated their move with a grand re-opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony.

FAYETTEVILLE, Ga. – Rex and Pam Green own the Minuteman Press design, marketing, and printing franchise that has recently moved to its new location at 1240 Highway 54 West, Suite 300, Fayetteville, GA 30214. Rex says, “We recently relocated our business due to demand for more space resulting from growth of the company. To accommodate new people and equipment, we needed more space. We joined our local Chamber of Commerce and they eagerly advocated for a ribbon-cutting at our new space. We had 40 to 50 customers in attendance to support us and wish us well. Local dignitaries, including the mayor of Fayetteville, visited and addressed the crowd. This was a rewarding event for us, as we’ve not done anything like this previously.”

For nearly five years, Rex, Pam, and their team at Minuteman Press have provided the Fayetteville community with custom design, printing, and marketing solutions. As a result of their efforts, they have more than doubled the volume of their business. Rex says, “Early on we decided to focus on providing precise production with fast turnaround. Precision is a result of the skills of our people. We have a great staff with different skillsets in printing, graphic design, and messaging. We produce visual communications materials rapidly and accurately, and our customers really appreciate that about us.”

Another thing that sets Minuteman Press apart from the competition is the positive culture that Rex has created as an entrepreneur who appreciates his customers and treats his employees right. He states, “We enjoy internal and external rewards of owning the business. The people who work with us in our business have been terrific.   They’re a real joy to spend time with every day, and it’s rewarding to see the things they accomplish, the relationships they develop with customers, and their dedication to our mission.   External rewards come when we see how we’ve helped our customers manage and grow their businesses, honor a departed loved one, or celebrate the union of a young couple.”

Rex also enjoys helping his diverse range of clients that need and use Minuteman Press’ printing and marketing services. He says, “We do extensive work with local nonprofits, churches, and midsize corporations located on the south side of Atlanta. Additionally, we work with manifold small businesses that are providing every kind of goods and services to our community.”

Being an active and engaged part of that community is also crucial to Rex, Pam, and the team. Rex states, “It’s certainly important, in my opinion, for business owners to be involved in community organizations. We’ve lived here for a long time during which Pam and I have been active in many ways in the community.   We’ve developed an extensive network of friends that have been supportive of our business. At the same time, we’re supportive of the community with our time and with financial resources.   The mutually supporting relationships of businesses and community are crucial for a vibrant local economy and healthy community.”

Why own a Minuteman Press franchise?

Before franchising with Minuteman Press, Rex spent 35 years manufacturing electronic hardware. He elaborates, “Twenty of these years were spent with a company – Photocircuits – headquartered in Glen Cove, NY. I started with producing components and my last gig was with a firm headquartered in Binghamton, NY, that built supercomputers which sold for tens of millions of dollars. My wife Pam raised our daughter and gave private art lessons, primarily to home-schooled kids, and took commissions for paintings from people who wanted original artwork in their environments.”

While there are many different franchise opportunities available, Minuteman Press really appealed to Rex and Pam because of their reputation as well as the benefits he saw in franchising with them. He explains, “When we decided to become business owners, we shopped for a year and looked at numerous opportunities, none of which seemed right for us. Then I saw a Minuteman Press franchise for sale about 60 miles south of our home. I responded to an ad and soon thereafter we toured the facility with our soon-to-be Regional Vice President Keith Cawley. Ultimately, we bought a franchise that became available in our community. I liked the production focus of the business, I understood the value of the FLEX software in managing the business, and I researched Minuteman Press and determined the company to be a solid, reputable franchisor.”

Since becoming a Minuteman Press franchisee, Rex has enjoyed the freedom of being his own boss while receiving ongoing local support. He says, “A concern I had when we were still considering buying a franchise was how much control the franchisor would exert on us. I’ve been pleased that the company is there to provide support when we need it, but not when we don’t.   Field resources have been great at helping with systems and educating us about available resources. Working with the company including Keith Cawley and our current Regional VP David Walton has been a great experience for us.”

Business Goals and Advice for Entrepreneurs

What’s next for Minuteman Press in Fayetteville, GA? Rex answers, “We’ve grown our business by focusing on speed and precision. Our customers know we respond when they request. They trust us. They rely on us. They bring new customers to us. It’s not sexy – it’s basic blocking and tackling. And it works.   We look forward to continuing steady, manageable growth with the support of the people working in our shop and our established and new customers.”

His advice for aspiring business or franchise owners is this: “My advice is simple, but not simple to execute. You need to find people who fit in your organization. We’ve been able to do that. Our first two hires were actually customers of the franchise we bought. Both were freelance graphic designers whose work we admired. We offered them jobs, and, four years later, they’re still with us. Both have been important contributors to our success.”

Rex continues, “At the ribbon cutting, I explained (somewhat tongue in cheek) that I contribute by vacuuming the shop and cleaning the restrooms. Meanwhile, Consuela and Courtney have made sure our customers are happy. Along the way we added additional people who’ve worked out well. We’ve managed to create a cohesive, purposive group who are truly responsible for our successes.  It’s also important to watch cash flow and receivables. Properly managing cash means happy suppliers, happy employees, and happy owners. Watch that cash.   Finally, don’t be afraid to say yes to opportunities that stretch your capabilities. Be willing to take some risks that will expand your expertise.”

Rex and Pam Green’s Minuteman Press franchise is located at 1240 Highway 54 West, Suite 300, Fayetteville, GA 30214. For more information call Rex and his team at (770) 719-8424 or visit their website: https://www.fayettevillega.minutemanpress.com

About Minuteman Press International

Minuteman Press International is the number one rated business marketing and printing franchise that offers world class training and unparalleled ongoing local support. Started in 1973 by Roy Titus and his son Bob, Minuteman Press began franchising in 1975 and has grown to nearly 1,000 business service franchise locations worldwide including the U.S., Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Minuteman Press is ranked #1 in category by Entrepreneur 27 times and 16 years in a row, including 2019. Independent franchisee satisfaction firm Franchise Business Review has also named Minuteman Press International to its 2019 Top Franchises, 2018 Top Franchise Leaders, Top Franchises for Women, and Top Franchises for Veterans lists thanks to positive reviews from our owners.

At Minuteman Press, We Are The Modern Printing Industry™ providing high quality products and services that meet the needs of today's business professionals and go way beyond ink on paper. Today, our centers offer innovative branding solutions and produce custom designs, promotional products, branded apparel, direct mail marketing, large format printing (banners and posters), signs and graphics, and much more. Prior experience is not necessary to own and operate a successful Minuteman Press franchise.

To learn more about #1 rated Minuteman Press franchise opportunities and speak with one of our experienced franchise representatives at no obligation, call 1-800-645-3006. Continue your franchise research, watch exclusive owner videos and access Minuteman Press franchise reviews at https://minutemanpressfranchise.com

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