Splash and Dash for Dogs Success with Licensing Leads to Franchising Opportunities

Splash and Dash for Dogs has seen such great growth and successwith their licensing concept they are now expanding with offering new franchise opportunitiescalled Splash and Dash Groomerie & Boutique.

(VeteransFranchise.com) - By . Updated Jun 25, 2014

Splash and Dash for Dogs Success with Licensing Leads to Franchising Opportunities

ST. PETERSBURG FL – Splash and Dash for Dogs has seen such great growth and success with their licensing concept they are now expanding with offering new franchise opportunities called Splash and Dash Groomerie & Boutique. Established just three years ago, Splash and Dash now has 36 successful licensees.

In 2010, founder, Dan J. Barton, successfully modified the gym membership concept for the everyday dirty dog. He revolutionized the industry by introducing a recurring revenue stream with an “unlimited monthly bath & brush” membership called the Signature Bath. The recurring revenue from the monthly bath membership has several benefits for franchise owners. This drives customers into stores more frequently, increasing purchases on additional services and items in the boutique. It can also greatly reduce marketing costs and efforts. The proof of the success is in the numbers? 36 locations throughout the US and Australia in only 36 months.

CEO and founder, Dan J. Barton says, “In working with our licensees over the years, we’ve seen that these mom & pops stores have no support with things like bookkeeping or what retail to carry. They are on their own trying to compete with not only a lack of resources but with the big box stores as well. The mom & pops have more passion and pride than any big box store could imagine. I saw a need to open up a new space in the market which is between the mom and pops and big box store. Our franchise model brings selection, technology and knowledge of large pet stores and combines it with the passion, pride and love for pets the small dog grooming businesses have. Combine these factors with our hugely successful recurring revenue membership based program and now you have a monster franchise concept that is as unique as Starbucks is to the coffee industry.”

In anticipation of the expansion, Splash and Dash for has brought in additional industry experts to join their team, revamped their company branding, extended their training programs and launched new websites. For consumers www.SplashandDashfordogs.com and for future Franchisees www.SplasahandDashFranchise.com. For more information, please visit www.SplashAndDashFranchise.com.

To learn more about our company or franchise opportunities in your area, please contact:
Dan Barton, Founder & CEO
2822 54th Ave S, Suite 236, St. Petersburg FL 33712
Direct: 7604132857
Fax: (888) 7441438


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