The Liquid Capital network of franchises is focused on the core business offinancing small and medium-sized clients in a professional and personalized manner. Franchisees are engaged by entrepreneurs as both financier and financial solutions provider.
Our franchisees are knowledgeable and experienced business professionals who aid local entrepreneurs faced with cash flow issues, cost-effectively helping them turn accounts receivables into immediate funding.
Our franchisees have found a new way to do business, with the opportunity for long-term business security, personal independence and a lifestyle to match. They are not burdened by large investments in equipment, leaseholds or inventory. Minimal staff is required (and only necessary after the business has been built). Franchisees can choose to work from home or a small office.
The market
Obtaining funding from banks and other traditional sources can be a long and arduous process, often leading to frustration and disappointment. Consequently, many business owners have discovered that factoring with Liquid Capital is ahighly effective alternative to traditional lending. By selling credit-worthy invoices for immediate cash, a business can acquire additional working capital quickly and without incurring debt or giving up equity.
Our process
Our franchisee selection process has been developed through years of experience to assist both you and Liquid Capital to evaluate the potential of a long-term relationship. Our selection process is designed to help you understand our goals and vision and ensure that they are aligned with yours.
Our strength is our people
The Liquid Capital management team is decidedly hands-on in assisting our franchisees to carry out their business. If you speak to any of our franchisees, they’ll tell you that the support they receive is unmatched in the industry. We provide whatever resources are needed to help you build a successful franchise. Every member of our management team has decades of experience in the factoring industry. Indeed, the strength of our system is our people – ready, able and motivated to help you carve your place in this multi-billion dollar industry.
You don’t need to come from the financial industry or have a degree in accounting to be a successful Liquid Capital franchisee. Our owners come from all walks of life, but they all share a common set of goals: achieving success on their own terms while helping others build their success. With Liquid Capital you will become the “factoring expert” in your community, yet have the support of a large and experienced industry leader. Our sophisticated infrastructure and experienced factoring specialists support your efforts every step of the way.