PickUp USA Fitness Coming to Texas

PickUp USA Fitness (www.pickupusafitness.com), headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, announced today that they have awarded a new franchise location in Dallas, TX. This marks the first location in Texas for the fast-growing fitness club chain.

(VeteransFranchise.com) - By guy norcott. Updated Dec 5, 2016


LOS ANGELESDec. 5, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- PickUp USA Fitness (www.pickupusafitness.com), headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, announced today that they have awarded a new franchise location in Dallas, TX.  This marks the first location in Texas for the fast-growing fitness club chain.

Founded in 2011, PickUp USA gyms are full-service fitness clubs with a focus on basketball.  Their clubs offer group and private basketball training, weight and cardio rooms, lounges, locker rooms, retail merchandise, and the company's main attraction – pickup basketball with referees.

Peter Mosley, PickUp USA's franchisee in Dallas, has been seeking a basketball-focused business opportunity for years and moved quickly when the opportunity to develop a PickUp USA in his area presented itself.  'The mainstream fitness industry has largely ignored their basketball customers, creating a tremendous market need,' says Mosley.  'We love our sports in Texas, and The Dallas Ft. Worth Metroplex has over 7 million people in it.  We see a massive opportunity for PickUp USA in Dallas.'

PickUp USA has locations open or in development in CaliforniaArizona, and Texas.  Jordan Meinster, President of PickUp USA, said in a statement, 'We couldn't be more excited about bringing our clubs to Dallas.  Peter has an incredible understanding and passion for PickUp USA's services, and we're confident consumers in Dallas will love what our clubs offer.'

PickUp USA aims to have their Dallas location open this coming Spring.  The company also confirmed that they will be announcing additional franchise locations over the next few weeks.

When asked about the plans for the future, Meinster says that he sees a big ramp-up in development in 2017.  'Hundreds of people have submitted requests for information on our franchise program, and we have a very strong base of franchise owners that are operating and developing our clubs.  Momentum is building, and we are anticipating substantial growth in the months ahead.'

Meinster also confirmed that plans are underway to develop a new flagship location to serve as the model PickUp USA club.  The company's current model club is the original PickUp USA location in Irwindale, CA.  'Site selection is underway, and we are looking to build a club that will be the standard bearer for the PickUp USA brand,' says Meinster. 'We're excited!'

More information on PickUp USA, and their franchise program, can be found at the company's website, www.pickupusafitness.com

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