FHV???s New Website Platform Caters to Recent USDA Guidelines

The company???s launch of http://www.freshandhealthy.org offers schools necessary educational tools and healthy options for an easier transition to comply with new snack standards required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

(VeteransFranchise.com) - By . Updated May 5, 2014

FHV’s New Website Platform Caters to Recent USDA G

The company’s launch of http://www.freshandhealthy.org offers schools necessary educational tools and healthy options for an easier transition to comply with new snack standards required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

Fresh healthy vending International, Inc. (OTC Markets: VEND), North America’s leading healthy vending franchisor, announces the launch of its new website, http://www.freshandhealthy.org, serving as a valuable platform for schools, community centers and corporations across the nation to seamlessly implement a healthy vending program. The launch comes just two months before the nutrition standardsset by the USDA are enforced in schools throughout the nation.

As a resource for educators, directors, corporate wellness managers and company executives to learn how to obtain a free Fresh healthy vending machine at their locations, the website also references the tools available to maximize each machine’s capabilities and service offerings that Fresh Healthy Vending provides to ensure a successful pre and post-install of the machine.

“Our new website caters not only to schools, but also to community centers and corporations, because healthy habits made throughout the day, by everyone, end up trickling down and having either a direct or indirect effect on our youth,” said Alex Kennedy, CEO of Fresh Healthy Vending. “We want to educate schools first and foremost, but it’s essential for us to help parents, teachers, coaches, mentors and after-school counselors understand that their choices are what dictate the healthy habits of the future: our kids.”

Site users can click through a scrolling list of popular products by location, each with individually displayed nutrition facts and full product images. This feature allows schools to see which snack food and drink products are most popular and meet the new Smart Snack in School nutrition standards.

In its continued efforts to encourage healthy choices throughout the nation, Fresh Healthy Vending maintains its progressive work through support of its partners; Let’s Move, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, USDA, Nutrition.gov and Team Nutrition.

With the website launch, Fresh Healthy Vending plans to increase its presence in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and charter schools; private and public companies, and community centers, such as YMCAs and Boys and Girls Clubs, across the nation.

The website outlines Fresh Healthy Vending’s five-step process in which schools intending to make the switch to healthy vending can take advantage of:

1. Reserving a machine off the website
2. Receiving free delivery and installation to begin using the machine quickly and easily
3. Referring the location representative to a local ambassador that will stock and maintain the machine, as well as assist with marketing and promotion for the machine and its products
4. Reporting data and product information directly to the location and providing communication resources for easy contact with vending ambassador
5. Receiving profit-sharing through commission on every machine that is placed

As part of the program, the company’s wellness advocates engage in video conferences with students and administrators, from schools across the US, to educate them on Fresh Healthy Vending’s initiatives, machines and products, which align with this new mandate.

Testimonials are provided for each of the three categories and feature feedback from location representatives from where Fresh Healthy Vending machines have already been placed. The new website also hosts a Frequently Asked Questions section for each category, where users can go to troubleshoot or get more information about Fresh Healthy Vending, its machines and products.

For more information on Fresh Healthy Vending, the franchise program, or to receive a free healthy vending machine in your school or business, visit http://www.freshvending.com or call toll free 888-902-7558.


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