(VeteransFranchise.com) - By . Updated Jun 19, 2018
Everyone is talking about this year’s tick epidemic: Mild winters! Rapid breeding! Three times the amount of bites from mosquitoes/ticks/fleas! But what does that really mean for you and what can you do to protect your family?
First, let’s break down fact from fiction about what is actually happening. The number of bites that are being reported are actually a growth pattern the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has seen since 2004. But that doesn’t negate the fact that mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas are truly out in force this year (it is being referred to as an epidemic, after all). Additionally, whether you come across one or ten of these hungry pests on a walk, a single bite from any of them could give you, your family, or your pet a debilitating disease (like Lyme disease, Malaria, West Nile, Triple E, and others). There’s even a type of tick (the Lone Star Tick, known for its white markings and mainly found in the eastern U.S. and Mexico) that can make you allergic to red meat!
So what can you do to avoid a bug bite? FlyFoe, a new mosquito and tick control company, has developed a 3-Step Integrated Approach to help you protect yourself and your family this season. FlyFoe has collaborated with a team of entomologists who have taken a fresh look at the traditional method to mosquito and tick control. Using their expertise, they’ve created an integrated approach which uses science to combat biting pests in a safe, more effective manner. Here are FlyFoe's steps to a safer mosquito and tick season:
Step 1: In-Yard Protection
Step 2: Yard-by-Yard Protection
-Find a company that can offer a neighborhood plan (while also being budget-friendly). Mosquitoes can travel up to 150 yards! To make sure your home is truly protected, your neighbors should have their yards treated as well.
Step 3: Out-of-Yard Protection
You can (and should) take protection into your own hands. Using a mosquito and tick control company like FlyFoe makes it much easier to reduce the pest populations and your risk for disease. Get peace of mind this summer, and enjoy your yard yard all season long.
FlyFoe customizes prices and treatments based on yard size, foliage, and density. They also automate their services, which means once a treatment plan is in place, they’ll come out to your yard every three to five weeks for the entirety of the pest season. Give FlyFoe a call today (888-4-FLYFOE) or visit flyfoe.com.
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